Monday, February 1, 2010

TFY Ch.1 & EXERCISE (Mango Observation) p.21

The mango is known as the king of
tropical fruit, and one of the most
commonly eaten fruits in tropical
countries around the world.
• Mangos are an excellent source
of vitamin A and C.
• Mango trees will grow up to 60
feet tall and may live up to 300
• There are over a 1,000 different
varieties of mango.
• Mangos belong to the
Anachardiaceae which include
cashew and pistachio nuts.
• The Sanskrit word for mango
means ‘of the people’.
• The paisley motif is a design
from India based on the shape
of the mango.
• A mango is a clingstone fruit,
meaning the fl esh clings to the
To cut up a mango, slice off the cheeks on either side of the seed. With a small, sharp knife, score the inside of each cheek. Spoon out the scored pieces, or push the skin of the mango inwards to make the scored bits pop out, and bite them off directly. This is quite messy but effective; be sure to provide lots of napkins, or eat the fruit over a sink.


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